The Verdict Bar & Grill
Show Request
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Show Title
1st Choice Date
2nd Choice Date
Describe your show
Check all that apply
Fundraiser Non-Profit
Fundraiser Profit
ICON Event
Holding Raffles
Just a Show
Phone Number
Thank you for requesting a show date at The Verdict. Few things to take note of as a performer and/or host at the Verdict. Please inform your performers on the following.
Safety is important to our patrons, staff, your performer and you. Pyrotechnics, water, smoke, confetti, animals are not allowed. Nudity is not allowed, we are an eating establishment and my have patrons that may be offended. Please inform your performers, if they have questions about outfits , please have them get prior approval from management.
Music must be received by no later than midnight (12AM) on Wednesday before show date. Failure to do so my result in performers not performing in the show.
We will have a back stage area set up for performers. Please arrive in desired makeup/face. Office space is being used for office space. Use of office space will only be allowed if preformers are approved by management. Back stage area is for performers requiring changing/getting ready for the next performance. Please have your perfromers mingle with the guests and enjoy the other performers.
If they require a rehearsal, props set up or scenery set up before the show, you must make arrangements with the Verdict management for date and time. Depending on the scheduling they may have access during the week to rehearse and/or set up scenery/backdrops. The use of the Verdict space for Set design must be approved by Verdict Show coordinator.
Please promote your show! Performing in front of a small crowd is not fun. Invite everyone you know and have the performers promote also. Let them know the fundraising event you are performing for. More people more tips collected for the event and you!
As the host of the show. Please assist show director in any setup or tear down/clean up needed. Let the show begin!
Available Backdrops
UA-155773821-1 G-5PE295BHJ0